Sponsorship Change
The Embassy issues character clearance paper for Sponsorship Change of Nepali migrant workers working in different Company/establishment in the State of Qatar. The applicant needs to submitted the following documents for this:
- Duly filled up Form, which can be downloaded here
- Passport sized photograph- Two pieces
- Applicant"s Passport (Original and Copy)
- Qatari ID Card (Original and Copy)
- No Objection Letter from the current Sponsor/Company- Copy
- Job offer Letter from new Sponsor/Company (Post, Salary, Finite Contract duration and other terms and conditions need to be clearly stated)- Original and Copy
- Valid Computer Card copy of new Company
Required Documents for PCC for Nepali Engineer"s Exam at Ministry of Municipality and Urban Planning (MMUP) in the State of Qatar.
- Original and Copy of Passport
- Original and Copy of Qatari ID
- Original and Copies of Relevant Certificates with attestation from Department of Consular Services, MoFA, Nepal.
- Original and Copy of Registration Certificate of Nepal Engineer"s Council
- Request Letter from Company/Sponsor (Stating Position)
- Computer Card of the Company
(उपर्युक्त कागजात नभएको एवं नेपालबाट श्रम स्वीकृति नलिएको हकमा नेपालबाटै Police Report बनाई कन्सुलर सेवा विभागबाट प्रमाणिकरण गराई पेश गर्नुपर्ने छ।)