महत्त्वपूर्ण सूचना



नेपाल संवत: ११४५ चिल्लागा आमै - ३०

Sponsorship Change

Sponsorship Change

The Embassy issues character clearance paper for Sponsorship Change of Nepali migrant workers working in different Company/establishment in the State of Qatar. The applicant needs to submitted the following documents for this:

  1. Duly filled up Form, which can be downloaded here
  2. Passport sized photograph- Two pieces
  3. Applicant"s Passport (Original and Copy)
  4. Qatari ID Card (Original and Copy)
  5. No Objection Letter from the current Sponsor/Company- Copy
  6. Job offer Letter from new Sponsor/Company (Post, Salary, Finite Contract duration and other terms and conditions need to be clearly stated)- Original and Copy
  7. Valid Computer Card copy of new Company

Required Documents for PCC for Nepali Engineer"s Exam at Ministry of Municipality and Urban Planning (MMUP) in the State of Qatar.

  1. Original and Copy of Passport
  2. Original and Copy of Qatari ID
  3. Original and Copies of Relevant Certificates with attestation from Department of Consular Services, MoFA, Nepal.
  4. Original and Copy of Registration Certificate of Nepal Engineer"s Council
  5. Request Letter from Company/Sponsor (Stating Position)
  6. Computer Card of the Company

(उपर्युक्त कागजात नभएको एवं नेपालबाट श्रम स्वीकृति नलिएको हकमा नेपालबाटै Police Report बनाई कन्सुलर सेवा विभागबाट प्रमाणिकरण गराई पेश गर्नुपर्ने छ।)