Message from the Embassy

नमस्कार (ˌnʌmʌsˈkɑː), As-salāmu ʿalaykum !

A very warm welcome to all the visitors to the new website of the Embassy. The website is developed to give an outlook of the Embassy and its services in consolidated form aligned with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Government of Nepal.

Characterized by upmost goodwill, friendship and cooperation, the bilateral relations between Nepal and the State of Qatar is growing ever since the establishment of bilateral relations in 1977. The bilateral relations have further been strengthened and widened with the opening of Embassies in each other’s capital and signing of various agreements and Memorandum of Understanding between the two countries.

Presence of a large number of Nepali expatriates being employed in the State of Qatar in different sectors has contributed to develop a strong partnership between Nepal and State of Qatar in the stride towards the development of the State of Qatar. This has equally contributed back home, through remittance sent by Nepali expatriates working in the State of Qatar. We applaud the Nepali expatriates and feel proud to serve you all to work forward further deepening, widening and diversifying the bilateral relations in sectors such as investment, trade and tourism, and labour relations, including dealing with the problems of and working towards the wellbeing of Nepali expatriates in the State of Qatar.

With the blessings from Lumbini, the birthplace of Shakyamuni Gautam Buddha in Nepal, and love from the land of Mt. Everest (world’s highest peak 8,848 masl, Nepal), We seek support and cooperation from all in our effort to diversifying interactions between Nepal and the State of Qatar to encourage cooperative friendship with a view to deepen the understanding between the two countries.

Thank You!
