NRN Act-2064, has specified Non-Resident Nepali as foreign national of Nepali origin and foreign resident Nepali nationality (residing abroad for more than 2 years).

A.  The following documents should be submitted to the Embassy to register and obtain NRN card by a Foreign Resident of Nepali Nationality:

  1. Copy of Nepali Citizenship Certificate;
  2. Copy of Nepali passport;
  3. Commercial registration papers if he/she involves in any kind of business in Qatar;
  4. Documents related to his/her profession or employment if he/she is involved in it;
  5. If the applicant is working in any international organizations, his/her appointment letter and other documents justifying that he is working there till now;
  6. Passport-size photographs – two copies
  7. Duly filled in NRN ID Card Application Form, which can be downloaded here


B.   The following documents should be submitted to the Embassy to register and obtain NRN card by a Foreign National of Nepali Origin to apply for the NRN card:

  1. Foreign citizenship certificate or similar document;
  2. If he/she has renounced citizenship of Nepal, a document justifying his/her renouncement of the Nepali citizenship;
  3. Document that details citizenship certificate number and district of his/her father/mother/grand-father/grand-mother or a document justifying that he/she was/is Nepali citizen;
  4. If he/she has run any business or is involved in any profession abroad, the documents justifying to this effect;
  5. If he/she is working in any country, the document justifying the same;
  6. Recent passport-size photographs- two copies
  7. Duly filled in NRN ID Card Application Form, which can be downloaded here.


Fees for registration and issuance of NRN Card:

1. NRN ID Card (Foreign Resident of Nepali Nationality)            QR 190.00
2. NRN ID Card (Foreign National of Nepali Origin                       QR 920.00